
BlackRock chooses CF Benchmarks for bitcoin pricing. (Shutterstock)
BlackRock to Use Kraken Subsidiary for Crypto Offering
The asset manager will use CF Benchmarks' bitcoin index.
BlackRock chooses CF Benchmarks for bitcoin pricing. (Shutterstock)

CoinDesk Indices launched its Digital Asset Classification Standard (DACS) to set the standard for defining the industries of digital assets. (CoinDesk)
What Is So Smart About Smart Contract Platforms?
The innovative qualities of Ethereum have led to an explosion of new digital assets in the Smart Contract Platform sector. Here's a look at the sector, its significance as a d...
CoinDesk Indices launched its Digital Asset Classification Standard (DACS) to set the standard for defining the industries of digital assets. (CoinDesk)

CoinDesk Indices' Digital Asset Classification Standard (DACS)
CoinDesk Indices Launches the Digital Asset Classification Standard, a Roadmap for Investing
DACS is a new classification framework built to adapt to the rising complexity of crypto and the industries forming around it.
CoinDesk Indices' Digital Asset Classification Standard (DACS)

Synchronized swimmers, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Henrik Sorensen/Getty Images)
Solana-Based DeFi Protocol Synchrony Raises $4.2M for Composable Indices
The funding, led by by Sanctor Capital, Wintermute Trading and GBV Capital, will also go toward its marketing operations.
Synchronized swimmers, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Henrik Sorensen/Getty Images)

Danny Masters, executive chairman at CoinShares
CoinShares Releases DeFi Index Token for Institutional Investors
Financial indexes bring legitimacy to emerging asset classes, CoinShares Chairman Danny Masters told CoinDesk.
Danny Masters, executive chairman at CoinShares

Dragon China
FTX Launches Futures on Index of 8 China Cryptos Amid Xi Blockchain Pump
Derivatives exchange FTX has launched an index of eight popular Chinese cryptocurrencies, as well as futures offering exposure to the basket.
Dragon China

Nasdaq Lists an AI-Powered Index of Crypto Market's Top 100 Performers
The Nasdaq stock exchange has listed an index of crypto’s top 100 coins alongside traditional market bellwethers like the S&P 500 and the Dow.

CME's Bitcoin Index Provider Wins First EU Crypto Benchmark License
The U.K FCA has authorized CF Benchmarks as a Benchmark Administrator under EU regulation coming into effect in January.

Credit: Shutterstock
Nasdaq Lists New Decentralized Finance Index Including MakerDao, 0x, Augur
Nasdaq has added a new index that aims to offer the markets information on blockchain projects working in the decentralized finance space.
Credit: Shutterstock

Tim McCourt
Gemini Exchange Data Is Being Added to CME's Crypto Indices
Data from the Winklevoss-founded exchange Gemini is being added to eight crypto indices offered by CF Benchmarks, including its CME offerings.
Tim McCourt